MULTICONTROL S.A. guarantees to the original purchaser and subsequent purchasers the correct functioning of the product which serial and model number is listed in this Warranty Certificate under the following conditions: 
1) In order to establish a reliable period of the warranty of the product, the User must, once the equipment has been started, and its normal operation has been verified, send the attached warranty form together with all the data that it requires, to MULTICONTROL S.A. Service Department within 10 business days after the installation and commissioning have been completed.

2) The warranty shall be extended for a period of 12 months from the date of installation and commissioning indicated on the attached form.
3) During the warranty period MULTICONTROL S.A. obligation is limited to replace proved defective elements by new elements. During the first year the Company also undertakes to provide, without any charge, at the User’s original address, the technical support services that may arise due to operation defects, within the area of the Federal Capital, and up to a maximum of 30 Km; outside this area, the service will be provided by the selling company.

4) These warranty terms are valid for any product installed within the Republic of Argentina.

5) MULTICONTROL S.A. guarantees the operation of each product under the conditions specified in the engineering and installation, use and maintenance manuals corresponding to each model.

6) The basic concept upon which the warranty of WESTRIC equipment or air conditioner control applies is determined by the fact that the «User» hires the services of a technician (who in the User’s opinion is fit for such task) to install an air conditioner in the terms and within the parameters agreed between the User and the selling and installing company.

7) Repairs will be carried out in the place where the equipment has been installed. If for the purposes of repair it is essential to transport the equipment to the repair shop, freight charges and insurance shall be borne by the User.

8) Requests for repair will be completed within a period not exceeding 30 business days. If the unit has to be repaired at the repair shop, the period shall run from the date of entry.

9) The legitimate spare parts that do not require specialized labor for their placement or replacement may be purchased at the Central Service of MULTICONTROL S.A. Such sale shall be subject to availability of stock.

MULTICONTROL S.A. does not guarantee any product when in its opinion: (a) Defects that occur are caused by failures or errors in the conception and/or execution of the system it belongs to.
(b) The installation does not comply with the specifications or standards established for each equipment.
(c) It has been repaired or modified by third parties.
(d) It has been damaged by application of improper voltage, short circuit, electrical failures, dirty or damaged air filters, accidents that partially or totally damage the unit for reason of abuse, misuse, flood, fire, force majeure or acts of God, etc.
(e) The nameplate has been damaged, altered, or removed from the unit.
(f) The equipment does not work according to the normal conditions indicated in the installation, use and maintenance manuals.
(g) One or more components are not the original components provided by MULTICONTROL S.A.
(h) WESTRIC products have been connected to products from other brands.
(i) Human comfort equipment has been used in winter time in cool mode for conditioning computers.
(j) Keep in mind that equipment with heat pump stops to work properly when the outside temperature is below 5 ° C.

Official Technical Service for Federal Capital and Great Buenos Aires area: Tel.: 4509-6333. In the interior of the country, call the selling company’s service.
“The brands mentioned and the logotypes associated belong to their corresponding users.”